Sunday, March 28, 2010

could be a cold night for a lifetime

Travelling to Sydney isn't quite how I imagined it. I'm sitting here at 2:32 in the morning slowly travelling down the NSW coast.
I am officially swearing off driving anywhere more than four hours, that's enough time in a small confined space with my parents.
So what do you do for the next 6 hours, well I'm not sure. I would read my newest book, the piper's son by Melina Marchetta and please excuse me if I have spelt it wrong I'm typing on my phone in the dark so I can't even check if I spelt it right.
I have to saw a few of these tiny little towns are quite picturesque, and I just want to pull over and take pictures. Especially in the dark with mist, looks quite perfect. Oh we have officially reached 15 degrees, for those of you who are from
Colder places you might shrug your shoulders and say 'so what' but for me I live on the sunny coast and it never really gets this cold. Which makes it difficult to wear winter fashion very disappointing.
Thank goodness for spell checker otherwise we would be in trouble cause while typing this post on my phone I have added letters onto words cause the keypad is so small. I don't see myself sleeping anytime soon.
We passed some kanagaroos on the side of the road we were lucky they didn't jump out and hit us cause our can would be in bits.
The reason we are on this lovely journey in the middle of the night is because my sister had her baby yesterday its a boy, much to carly annoyance. As we had a bet I said a boy she said a girl and whoever guessed right would have eternal bragging rights
Well I found out I was an aunt to a little callum so I cant wait to see my nephew.
I think this is enough for this post I'm getting a little tired, its 3 in the morning.


Listen to: in fiction - liar liar

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