Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Did you bathe in Fabric softener?

Happy Valentines everyone (and i know its a bit late )
I know i havent updated in a long while but i have been busy. Firstly i would like to say Carly failed at her attempt to get me to wear the Short Stack t-shirt to soundwave she only got 52 members out of the 100. She still gave me the Short Stack shirt though, she made herself and gave it to me for Valentines day, I kinda threw it at her and now its laying on the floor in my room. But can i just say Soundwave was Amazing and thats an understatement. I love the atmosphere you get when you are at a music festival it makes me tingle. Paramore though were the best entertainers there, Their small section they did preform was the absolute highlight of the entire festival. I wish i had stayed longer to see Jimmy Eat World but i was feeling sick from all the ciggarette smoke so i left early, but either way soundwave was worth the money.
This week I have really been focusing on my art and i decided to scan some of my drawings onto the computer and the picture of the girl on the right is one of them, Im really trying to build my portfolio. Im not sure if im going to need a portfolio for Uni. That terrifies me University is only in another year and im not even certain on what I want to do. Im a little scared to grow older, because you have these huge dreams and im scared that no matter how hard i work for them they are just going to fall apart. well i guess ill have to wait and see how things work out.

Ohh i have to shout out to Tasha because she got annoyed at the fact i didnt say she helped with finding dave days so i must publicly apologise.this is the link to the soundwave gallery incase you are interested in looking at the pictures http://www.soundwavefestival.com/page/gallery

listen to:kill - Jimmy eat World

- lena

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